After a whole year of waiting we finally got to leave on our cruise! Yes, we booked this last August and have been counting down ever since. Chad dropped us off at Canada Place and away we went!

Our room was HUGE! At least compared to the other cruises I'd been on. It was perfect for the 3 of us. We spent much time in our room because of the view so it was the cruise to have the extra space. Don't these two look like a couple of little kids excited for Disneyland? They kept me laughing all week! It really is different travelling with just girls and they were so gracious to let me tag along!

Our daily dose of..... room service! This was the funniest one as it was like pulling teeth to get them to deliver something that wasn't specifically on their little menu. I had to beg them to send just some chips not the hot dog and they sent this huge dish! We all had our fill and it looked like we hardly touched it!
We did have breakfast delivered almost everyday. Fruit, muffins, toast, yogurt, coffee & hot chocolate were our usuals.

Ya, Pam and Laura kept me laughing. They were wayyyyy to excited for a sing-along Abba night! I've got some choice video to prove this too!!! hehehe I makes me laugh just thinking about them!

Yes, they both were chair dancing, throwing kisses and just plain crazy! I couldn't stop laughing! And neither could anyone watching them!!! They were they main attraction!

"I'm too excited to sleep" Pam wanted a nap and Laura thought otherwise! I caught many choice pics of them!

We had 3 stops and we took a tour in each one. Our first stop was Ketchikan and we had a silly ride on the Duck Tour! So funny! They called it an amphibious vehicle, first you drive through the town then you drive right into the water and your a boat! It really was perfect because we had some rain here and we were safe and dry!

In Juneau we had a tour up into a temperate rain forest. This golf cart took us up the hillside to a lookout point. Our driver was the accountant so we thought of Chad. Ahhhh!

It was amazing what can grow without sunshine. The forest was thick with misty fog yet green and lush. We saw an eagles nest in the distance and the local owl.

They also had this green house to walk through which had to most gynormous hanging baskets we had ever seen! Pam and I thought of mom every step of the way in here! She would have LOVED it!

Then the bus took us on to the Mendenhall Glacier. This is what I'd been waiting for! I could have sat there for hours just taking it all in.

Our 3rd and final stop was in Skagway. We were here for 12 hours so we got the chance to take a 5 hour jeep ride into Yukon! We took turns driving and followed our guide. There were 6 jeeps all together ( I think) driving, stopping at some sights and driving some more!

Now back to reality....